Ketika beberapa tahun atau bulan yangg lalu, seweaktu virus Brontok dan variannya menyerang dan booming seantero Indonesia., termasuk juga khususnya di Yogyakarta, banyak teman-teman saya yang kebingungan dan panik karena anti virus ternamanya tidak mampu mendeteksi virus ini. Begitu pula selanjutnya virus-virus lokal yang semakin menggejala di Yogyakarta waktu itu. Dan ternyata saya pun kemudian mengalaminya, komputer saya akhirnya terkena juga waktu itu (kalau tidak salah karena memang saya sengaja, pengen membuktikan, he he he).
Saya sampai sekarang masih setia menggunakan Norton AntiVirus 2005 yang masih terus saya update virus definitionnya tiap minggu, namun ketika boomin virus lokal terjadi, norton saya pun tidak mampu mendeteksi keberadaan virus tersebut. Dan beberapa kali pula virus lokal masuk ke komputer saya. Nah, selama saya menggunakan Widows Xp, saya mempunyai trik paling jitu untuk menghilangkan Virus atau membasmi Virus lokal ini secara cepat, mudah dan gampang. Dan tips dan trik berikut selama ini selalu berhasil menyelamatkan komputer saya dari kerusakan lebih karena virus. Apapun itu jenis virusnya.
Dari beberapa pembacaan saya mengenai cara menghilangkan virus yang saya dapatkan dari internet seperti situs, saya sering kali malah tidak melaksanakan anjuran yang diberikan di panduan menghilangkan virus. Seringkali anjuran menghilangkan virus yang diberikan oleh beberapa situs antivirus malah menyuruh kita untuk mematikan fitur restore point dan masuk ke safe mode. Nah dari situ kemudian kita berusaha menghilangkan virus secara manual. Ini tentunya memerlukan keahlian lebih dan sering kali melelahkan serta memusingkan buat para pemula seperti saya.
Lalu apa yang saya lakukan. Saya sering kali mencurigai komputer saya apabila terkena virus. Komputer saya bekerja tidak seperti biasanya alias menjadi sangat lambat atau bisa juga saya mendapati file-file tertentu yang sangat mencurigakan. Biasanya file-file tersebut berekstensi .exe. Contohlah kasus brontok yang iconnya sama dengan folder Windows XP namun memiliki file tipe application dan berekstensi exe. Ini hanya merupakan salah satu contoh. Saya kok yakin, jika anda sudah cukup mengenal sang komputer yang menemani hampir tiap minggu kegiatan anda, suatu perubahan kecil yang tidak biasa yang terjadi di komputer anda bisa anda ketahui.
Baru seminggu ini saya juga terkena virus yang saya tidak tahu apa sesungguhnya, bahkan namanya saja tidak tahu. Anti virus saya tidak mampu mendeteksi. Ini karena saya mendownload file dari suatu situs hacking, bentuknya zip file. Ketika saya ekstrak tidak terjadi apa-apa, namun ketika file tersebut ingin saya coba jalankan dan kemudian saya klik dua kali, eh ternyata tidak muncul apa-apa. Malah kemudian kerja prosesor saya selalu lebih diatas 80%. Hasilnya komputer saya melambat. Walaupun tidak ada file yang dihancurkan karena virus ini namun dengan infeksi yang mempengaruhi kerja prosesor saya –yang memang sudah kecil–, hal ini membuat saya semakin tidak nyaman.
Karena saya pikir virus ini sudah masuk ke memori, saya matikan saya secara manual (Tidak lewat shut down tapi langsung saya matikan dengan memencet tombol power lama). Dalam pemikiran saya mungkin dengan cara ini virus tersebut bisa hilang dari memori dan ketika dinyalakan virus tidak jalan lagi.
Sayangnya, cara yang sering saya lakukan terhadap virus yang sering menginfeksi memori ini tidak berhasil. Biasanya dengan cara langsung mematikan secara manual kerja virus bisa berhenti dan kita tinggal mendelete virus tersebut (pake shift delete, bukan delete biasa). Kemudian cara terakhir saya yang telah sering saya gunakan untuk mengatasi segala macam virus saya lakukan.
Saya matikan antivirus saya. Kemudian pergi ke applikasi:
Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> System Restore
Inilah yang biasa saya lakukan jika saya telah kehabisan akal mengatasi virus. Sedikit catatan mengenai System Restore. System Restore merupakan sebuah fungsi untuk mengembalikan settingan anda seperti semula seperti waktu penggunaan yang anda pilih. Setiap anda menginstal atau uninstal software, biasanya System Restore akan menyimpan Settingan lama anda sebelum anda mengistal atau uninstal software tersebut. Dengan cara ini setiap ekstensi exe atau aplikasi apapun yang terinstal sesudahnya akan dihapuskan atau dihilangkan. Termasuk Register Windows anda akan kembali seperti semula. Hal inilah yang bisa membikin virus hilang dari komputer anda.
Dengan cara ini anda tentunya tidak mengharuskan adanya instalasi antivirus di komputer anda. Akan tetapi seringkali ada beberapa virus yang secara otomatis mematikan fungsi restore point ini. Jika ini terjadi lakukan shutdown manual lewat tombol power atau cabut aja kabel anda, atau matikan listrik istilahnya (dengan resiko kemungkinan ada file yang rusak, tapi biasanya tidak terjadi kok), lalu boot dari safe mode dan restore dari sana ke settingan sebelum terkena virus. Biasanya berhasil kok, terutama untuk brontok selalu berhasil. Saya juga heran brontok kan sangat mudah dikenali secara visual kenapa kok bisa-bisanya terkena virus ini, mungkin bagi yang pemula kali ya? Ah gak tahu saya.
Anehnya, saya jarang menemukan tips dan trik ini dikajian situs-situs antivirus. Malahan mereka menyuruh mematikan fitur restore ini, kemudian dengan cara yang lumayan rumit dijelaskan cara-cara menghilangkan virus tersebut secara manual. Dan tentunya kemudian menyuruk kita lebih baik membeli dan memakai antivirus mereka yang mereka nyatakan sudah bisa mendeteksi dan menghilangkan virus tersebut. Mungkin ini merupakan trik bisni mereka sih.
Ohya, sekedar info. Akan lebih baik jika anda menyimpan dokumen anda pada partisi hardisk yang berbeda, karena biasanya virus menyerang partisi C tempat system windows anda bekerja. Dengan cara ini, jika komputer anda parah dan tidak bisa dikembalikan karena terkena virus, anda cukup melakukan instalasi ulang (format dan instal) windows anda kembali. Tentunya format dan instal di partisi C. Dengan demikian data anda di partisi yang lain tidak hilang. Demikian saran saya.
Berbagilah ilmu pengetahuan dengan semua, karena ilmu pengetahuan adalah warisan yang tak ternilai harganya didunia ini
Rabu, 17 Desember 2008
Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
Microsoft BizSpark
What is Microsoft BizSpark?
Microsoft BizSpark is global program designed to accelerate the success of early stage Startups. BizSpark provides entrepreneurs fast and easy access to current full-featured Microsoft development tools and production licenses of server products with no upfront costs and minimal requirements.
BizSpark Startups receive professional support from Microsoft as well as community-driven support from Network Partners, active organizations in the entrepreneurial space, who can provide guidance, mentorship and resources to startups.
BizSpark provides Software, Support and Visibility to high-potential Startups:
• All the software included in the Visual Studio Team System Team Suite (VSTS) with MSDN Premium subscription– for the entire development team
• Expression Studio (Version 2)
• VSTS Team Foundation Server (Standard Edition)
• Production License use rights to host a ―software as a service‖ solution over the Internet, using the following products: Windows Server (all versions); SQL Server (all versions); Office SharePoint Server; Systems Center, and BizTalk Server.
• Two Technical Support Incidents per Startup.
• Access to MSDN Premium: Managed Newsgroups, Forums, Downloads, etc.
• Guidance, resources and mentoring provided by Network Partners, active members of the global software ecosystem who can provide qualified support and advice to Startups.
• Each BizSpark Startup will have the opportunity to profile their company in the BizSparkDB, an online Startup directory, hosted on the Microsoft Startup Zone. Startups will get exposure to potential investors, partners and customers around the world.
• Opportunity to be highlighted on the BizSparkDB as a featured company and be promoted as BizSpark Company of the Week on the Microsoft Startup Zone Web site:
Who is eligible for Microsoft BizSpark?
An eligible Startup must have the following characteristics at the time of joining:
• Actively engaged in development of a software-based product or service that will form a core piece of its current or intended business1, • Privately held,
• In business for less than 3 years2, and
• Less than US $1 million in annual revenue.3 To be eligible to use the software for production and deployment of hosted solutions, startups must also be developing a new ―software as a service‖ solution (on any platform) to be delivered over the Internet.
Is Microsoft BizSpark available to Startups that also use open source technologies?
Yes, BizSpark is available to any Startup that meets the program eligibility requirements.
Is participation in Microsoft BizSpark free?
Enrollment in the program is free, however Microsoft will assess each Startup a USD$100 program offering fee due when the Startup exits the program.
Why is Microsoft offering this program?
The Microsoft BizSpark program is based on the belief that if we help Startups succeed, we will help build a valued long-term relationship with them, and together we can build a more vibrant global software economy. Microsoft BizSpark will help Startups by providing access to Microsoft software when they most need it and can least afford it, and by supporting the network of organizations — startup incubators, investors, advisors, government agencies — that are equally involved and invested in software-fueled innovation and entrepreneurship. Microsoft is committed to working with those organizations as part of the Microsoft BizSpark Network to ensure that we are supporting the broadest possible startup audience, in a way that complements the value those network organizations already provide.
What is the enrollment process for Microsoft BizSpark?
Startups may enroll in the program via sponsorship by designated BizSpark Network Partners. Enrollment may be done via:
• The Microsoft BizSpark Startup Enrollment Site
Note: If a Startup is not able to locate a Network Partner in its region, the Startup can contact a Microsoft representative and ask for assistance. This can be done directly from the Startup Enrollment Web site.
1 Startups cannot be in the business of providing services to others such as hosting, web agency, system integration or outsourced development. 2 Startups who are actively engaged in software development but have not yet completed the formalities of establishing a business are also eligible for entry into BizSpark. 3 This requirement has been adjusted to add local variances calibrated to local economic conditions in the startup’s place of business, below. If a Startups’ place of business is not listed below, then the revenue limit is US $1 million. • USD $750,000 China • USD $500,000 Greece, Korea, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine • USD $250,000 Egypt, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam
Once the simple enrollment process is complete, participants will receive a welcome e-mail that includes a unique subscription ID that can be used to activate the software download benefits delivered via MSDN.
Microsoft BizSpark is currently offered in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. Please visit for complete information on eligibility and enrollment.
What is a Network Partner?
Network Partners are active members of the local software ecosystem engaged with high-potential, early stage Startups. They are organizations specifically focused on supporting software entrepreneurs and Startups, or whose activities include a focus on promoting and supporting software Startups, through programs, mentoring, networking, business advice, financial and legal assistance, or similar services and activities.
For more information on how to become a Microsoft BizSpark Network Partner, please visit
Can Microsoft recruit and enroll Startups in the Microsoft BizSpark program directly?
We want to create a strong partnership with the entrepreneur community, and we expect most Startups to be associated with, and therefore recruited by, our Network Partners. In situations where Network Partner availability is limited, Microsoft may work directly with Startups.
What are the benefits of being a Network Partner?
Through their participation in Microsoft BizSpark, Network Partners can extend their reach in the startup community and receive exposure as a Microsoft partner. Specifically, participation in BizSpark provides Network Partners:
• The opportunity to provide Startups access to valuable technology-based benefits, at no cost to their organization — a highly attractive benefit that supports and advances innovation and cross-platform interoperability.
• Exposure to new, high-potential technology Startups via the Microsoft BizSpark Find a Network Partner feature.
• High-profile, global exposure as a Microsoft partner, which could include promotion on Microsoft Web properties, podcasts, webcasts and newsletters, as well as joint PR and marketing initiatives.
How much does it cost to be a Microsoft BizSpark Network Partner?
There are no costs or fees associated with being a Microsoft BizSpark Network Partner. Network Partners must agree to program terms and conditions.
Can Network Partners charge Startups for their support?
If a Network Partner assesses a membership fee to join its organization, it may extend those fees to Microsoft BizSpark Startups should it choose to do so.
Will Microsoft Provide Hosting Resources for Startups as a part of Microsoft BizSpark?
Yes, Microsoft will work with designated hosting partners that can provide hosting services for online applications developed by Startups participating in the program. Hosting Partners are designated Network Partners who can provide hosting services for ―software as a service‖ solutions developed by BizSpark Startups.
Generally, Hosting Partners are members of the SaaS (Software as a Service) Incubation Center Program, which is subject to its own terms and conditions (including, but not limited to, a one-time $10,000 fee for SaaS Business training and ongoing delivery of 1-day SaaS workshops). Participating Startups can select a hosting partner from the Microsoft BizSpark Website
Who can be a Hosting Partner?
Microsoft Communications Sector will identify, recruit and work with BizSpark Hosting Partners. If you would like to join the Microsoft Hosters Network, please contact
How long can Startups participate in Microsoft BizSpark?
Startups can participate in the program for three years (renewed annually), unless it goes public, is acquired by a company that does not itself qualify for Microsoft BizSpark, or fails to abide by program terms and conditions.
Does every individual in a Startup have to enroll in BizSpark in order to download software?
No, enrollment is per startup. However, each individual who wants to download software will need to accept the BizSpark End User License Agreement.
What happens after three years of participation in BizSpark?
In addition to responsibility for the $100 program offering fee, Startups retain the perpetual licenses for the development and design tools. In order to continue to receive updates to the tools and the development platform, the Startup will need to renew their MSDN subscription. To continue to use the production licenses Startups may choose to take advantage of a licensing program like Microsoft’s Services Provider License Agreement program (or other Microsoft licensing programs that may be available at the time), but are in no way obligated to do so.
When will BizSpark be available to Startups?
The program is immediately available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, U.K., Ukraine, Vietnam and the United States. Please visit for complete information on Microsoft BizSpark availability.
For more information:
Microsoft BizSpark Support,
What Microsoft software is included?
• Visual Studio Team System Team Suite (VSTS) with MSDN Premium subscription– for the entire development team
• Expression Studio (Version 2)
• VSTS Team Foundation Server (Standard Edition)
• Production License use rights to host a ―software as a service‖ solution over the Internet, using the following products: Windows Server (all versions); SQL Server (all versions); Office SharePoint Server; Systems Center, and BizTalk.
The information regarding software is representative and not comprehensive. Products, versions, availability and additional benefits are subject to change. All software is available by download only.
Because this offering is likely to be updated from time to time, Startups and Network Partners should visit the Microsoft® BizSpark website at often to check Program Guides.
What is MSDN Premium?
The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) is a set of online services designed to help developers write applications using Microsoft products and technologies: Web developers, hardware developers interested in the operating system (OS), developers standing on the various OS platforms, developers leveraging the API and scripting languages of Microsoft’s many applications. The relationship management is situated in assorted media: Web sites, newsletters, developer conferences, trade media, blogs and software distribution.
MSDN Library is a library of official technical documentation content intended for developers developing for Microsoft Windows.
Is any customer support available under the program?
In addition to the MSDN online support, the startup’s primary contact will be eligible to receive two technical support incidents. More information is available at Microsoft Customer Support.
For more information about Startup resources:
Microsoft BizSpark is global program designed to accelerate the success of early stage Startups. BizSpark provides entrepreneurs fast and easy access to current full-featured Microsoft development tools and production licenses of server products with no upfront costs and minimal requirements.
BizSpark Startups receive professional support from Microsoft as well as community-driven support from Network Partners, active organizations in the entrepreneurial space, who can provide guidance, mentorship and resources to startups.
BizSpark provides Software, Support and Visibility to high-potential Startups:
• All the software included in the Visual Studio Team System Team Suite (VSTS) with MSDN Premium subscription– for the entire development team
• Expression Studio (Version 2)
• VSTS Team Foundation Server (Standard Edition)
• Production License use rights to host a ―software as a service‖ solution over the Internet, using the following products: Windows Server (all versions); SQL Server (all versions); Office SharePoint Server; Systems Center, and BizTalk Server.
• Two Technical Support Incidents per Startup.
• Access to MSDN Premium: Managed Newsgroups, Forums, Downloads, etc.
• Guidance, resources and mentoring provided by Network Partners, active members of the global software ecosystem who can provide qualified support and advice to Startups.
• Each BizSpark Startup will have the opportunity to profile their company in the BizSparkDB, an online Startup directory, hosted on the Microsoft Startup Zone. Startups will get exposure to potential investors, partners and customers around the world.
• Opportunity to be highlighted on the BizSparkDB as a featured company and be promoted as BizSpark Company of the Week on the Microsoft Startup Zone Web site:
Who is eligible for Microsoft BizSpark?
An eligible Startup must have the following characteristics at the time of joining:
• Actively engaged in development of a software-based product or service that will form a core piece of its current or intended business1, • Privately held,
• In business for less than 3 years2, and
• Less than US $1 million in annual revenue.3 To be eligible to use the software for production and deployment of hosted solutions, startups must also be developing a new ―software as a service‖ solution (on any platform) to be delivered over the Internet.
Is Microsoft BizSpark available to Startups that also use open source technologies?
Yes, BizSpark is available to any Startup that meets the program eligibility requirements.
Is participation in Microsoft BizSpark free?
Enrollment in the program is free, however Microsoft will assess each Startup a USD$100 program offering fee due when the Startup exits the program.
Why is Microsoft offering this program?
The Microsoft BizSpark program is based on the belief that if we help Startups succeed, we will help build a valued long-term relationship with them, and together we can build a more vibrant global software economy. Microsoft BizSpark will help Startups by providing access to Microsoft software when they most need it and can least afford it, and by supporting the network of organizations — startup incubators, investors, advisors, government agencies — that are equally involved and invested in software-fueled innovation and entrepreneurship. Microsoft is committed to working with those organizations as part of the Microsoft BizSpark Network to ensure that we are supporting the broadest possible startup audience, in a way that complements the value those network organizations already provide.
What is the enrollment process for Microsoft BizSpark?
Startups may enroll in the program via sponsorship by designated BizSpark Network Partners. Enrollment may be done via:
• The Microsoft BizSpark Startup Enrollment Site
Note: If a Startup is not able to locate a Network Partner in its region, the Startup can contact a Microsoft representative and ask for assistance. This can be done directly from the Startup Enrollment Web site.
1 Startups cannot be in the business of providing services to others such as hosting, web agency, system integration or outsourced development. 2 Startups who are actively engaged in software development but have not yet completed the formalities of establishing a business are also eligible for entry into BizSpark. 3 This requirement has been adjusted to add local variances calibrated to local economic conditions in the startup’s place of business, below. If a Startups’ place of business is not listed below, then the revenue limit is US $1 million. • USD $750,000 China • USD $500,000 Greece, Korea, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine • USD $250,000 Egypt, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam
Once the simple enrollment process is complete, participants will receive a welcome e-mail that includes a unique subscription ID that can be used to activate the software download benefits delivered via MSDN.
Microsoft BizSpark is currently offered in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. Please visit for complete information on eligibility and enrollment.
What is a Network Partner?
Network Partners are active members of the local software ecosystem engaged with high-potential, early stage Startups. They are organizations specifically focused on supporting software entrepreneurs and Startups, or whose activities include a focus on promoting and supporting software Startups, through programs, mentoring, networking, business advice, financial and legal assistance, or similar services and activities.
For more information on how to become a Microsoft BizSpark Network Partner, please visit
Can Microsoft recruit and enroll Startups in the Microsoft BizSpark program directly?
We want to create a strong partnership with the entrepreneur community, and we expect most Startups to be associated with, and therefore recruited by, our Network Partners. In situations where Network Partner availability is limited, Microsoft may work directly with Startups.
What are the benefits of being a Network Partner?
Through their participation in Microsoft BizSpark, Network Partners can extend their reach in the startup community and receive exposure as a Microsoft partner. Specifically, participation in BizSpark provides Network Partners:
• The opportunity to provide Startups access to valuable technology-based benefits, at no cost to their organization — a highly attractive benefit that supports and advances innovation and cross-platform interoperability.
• Exposure to new, high-potential technology Startups via the Microsoft BizSpark Find a Network Partner feature.
• High-profile, global exposure as a Microsoft partner, which could include promotion on Microsoft Web properties, podcasts, webcasts and newsletters, as well as joint PR and marketing initiatives.
How much does it cost to be a Microsoft BizSpark Network Partner?
There are no costs or fees associated with being a Microsoft BizSpark Network Partner. Network Partners must agree to program terms and conditions.
Can Network Partners charge Startups for their support?
If a Network Partner assesses a membership fee to join its organization, it may extend those fees to Microsoft BizSpark Startups should it choose to do so.
Will Microsoft Provide Hosting Resources for Startups as a part of Microsoft BizSpark?
Yes, Microsoft will work with designated hosting partners that can provide hosting services for online applications developed by Startups participating in the program. Hosting Partners are designated Network Partners who can provide hosting services for ―software as a service‖ solutions developed by BizSpark Startups.
Generally, Hosting Partners are members of the SaaS (Software as a Service) Incubation Center Program, which is subject to its own terms and conditions (including, but not limited to, a one-time $10,000 fee for SaaS Business training and ongoing delivery of 1-day SaaS workshops). Participating Startups can select a hosting partner from the Microsoft BizSpark Website
Who can be a Hosting Partner?
Microsoft Communications Sector will identify, recruit and work with BizSpark Hosting Partners. If you would like to join the Microsoft Hosters Network, please contact
How long can Startups participate in Microsoft BizSpark?
Startups can participate in the program for three years (renewed annually), unless it goes public, is acquired by a company that does not itself qualify for Microsoft BizSpark, or fails to abide by program terms and conditions.
Does every individual in a Startup have to enroll in BizSpark in order to download software?
No, enrollment is per startup. However, each individual who wants to download software will need to accept the BizSpark End User License Agreement.
What happens after three years of participation in BizSpark?
In addition to responsibility for the $100 program offering fee, Startups retain the perpetual licenses for the development and design tools. In order to continue to receive updates to the tools and the development platform, the Startup will need to renew their MSDN subscription. To continue to use the production licenses Startups may choose to take advantage of a licensing program like Microsoft’s Services Provider License Agreement program (or other Microsoft licensing programs that may be available at the time), but are in no way obligated to do so.
When will BizSpark be available to Startups?
The program is immediately available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, U.K., Ukraine, Vietnam and the United States. Please visit for complete information on Microsoft BizSpark availability.
For more information:
Microsoft BizSpark Support,
What Microsoft software is included?
• Visual Studio Team System Team Suite (VSTS) with MSDN Premium subscription– for the entire development team
• Expression Studio (Version 2)
• VSTS Team Foundation Server (Standard Edition)
• Production License use rights to host a ―software as a service‖ solution over the Internet, using the following products: Windows Server (all versions); SQL Server (all versions); Office SharePoint Server; Systems Center, and BizTalk.
The information regarding software is representative and not comprehensive. Products, versions, availability and additional benefits are subject to change. All software is available by download only.
Because this offering is likely to be updated from time to time, Startups and Network Partners should visit the Microsoft® BizSpark website at often to check Program Guides.
What is MSDN Premium?
The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) is a set of online services designed to help developers write applications using Microsoft products and technologies: Web developers, hardware developers interested in the operating system (OS), developers standing on the various OS platforms, developers leveraging the API and scripting languages of Microsoft’s many applications. The relationship management is situated in assorted media: Web sites, newsletters, developer conferences, trade media, blogs and software distribution.
MSDN Library is a library of official technical documentation content intended for developers developing for Microsoft Windows.
Is any customer support available under the program?
In addition to the MSDN online support, the startup’s primary contact will be eligible to receive two technical support incidents. More information is available at Microsoft Customer Support.
For more information about Startup resources:
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